A number of years ago, I spent some time in Branson, Missouri for the summer. The group I went with participated in various activities like canoeing, rock climbing, and camping. One day, we went spelunking in caves. As our guide took us deeper in, it got darker and darker. At the deepest, darkest part of the cave, the guide instructed us to turn off our headlamps. It was so dark I couldn’t even see my own hand in front of my face. After a few moments, the guide turned on his headlamp – one, single light. All eyes shifted to that light. We couldn’t help but be naturally drawn to it.
It’s at this time of year I reflect on how much we tend to be drawn to light. Everywhere we go, we see Christmas trees strung with lights, street decorations aglow, sidewalks glittered with candy canes and solar lights. You may even find at times you take a few extra turns to get home – hopeful to see what the neighbors have illuminating in their yard for the season. Lights are something we tend to gravitate toward, much like the light from the guide’s headlamp. Light is powerful. While it can be exposing, it also illumines and creates a thing of beauty. Light is also contagious. After the guide turned his headlamp on, we each began to turn our headlamps on. The light revealed our surroundings and reinforced that we were not alone.
As we head into the Christmas season, as Christians, we celebrate THE light of the world – Jesus. His birth signifies that we no longer have to live in darkness. He has come to bring hope and healing. Thankfully, He is a light that cannot be turned off, unplugged, or just seasonal. He is THE light that changed the narrative and reinforced that we are not alone. He came to Earth as Emmanuel, God with us.
If this year has had its share of dark moments for you, I pray that you know He is with you – in your hurt, pain, or hardships. I hope this new year is marked with places of light that would break through that darkness and begin to change your story in a powerful and hopeful way!
Wishing you and yours a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!