Hello and Goodbye: Two simple words that can improve relationships

It was a Wednesday evening, around six, and the love of my life walked through the front door – as had hundreds of times before.  I was busy multi-tasking my monotonous weeknight routine cooking dinner for 5. Two kids were frantically tugging on my damp apron chanting in high-pitched squeals, “Mom! Mom! Mooooom!!”  Inside I…

Living Life from the Inside Out

Our “sense of self” might be described as our understanding of who we are, our make-up, wiring, preferences, and areas of strength and growth. Knowing these things and being able to communicate them can be beneficial both personally and professionally. Here’s a question to explore: Where and how does our sense of self develop? In…

The Pain of People Pleasing

  People pleasing can come easy when we want to show someone we love them. We tend to enjoy pleasing others with blessings such as gifts or meeting their needs. But sometimes pleasing can become difficult and detrimental when our motive is no longer based on love but rather driven by fear. There was a…

Drop Anchor

We’re all familiar with phrases like “going through a rough patch”, “things are up in the air” or “on shaky ground”. These typically imply some difficulty or uncertainty whether related to an outcome, relational dynamics, or an individual struggle. It is in the midst of the unknown that we desperately need a solid foundation. When…