Mental Minimalism

The past few months, I have been on a big “minimalism” kick. If you haven’t heard this term before, it refers to the concept of only owning what you need, use, and love – and letting go of the rest. The more stuff we hold on to, the more stuff we are responsible to clean,…

Holiday Cheer Amongst a Pandemic

Earlier this year, COVID took us all by surprise, forcing us to face unimaginable challenges and rearrange our lives. As the holiday season is upon us, we are once again faced with readjusting our traditions and expectations.  For many, the holidays used to mean gathering with loved ones, traveling, and socially connecting to spread cheer…

Gratitude Can Change your Attitude

What is the first thing that comes to mind when you think of Thanksgiving? Pilgrims and native Americans coming together? Mountains of food at the table? Family football or naps on the couch? Or perhaps it’s even black Friday shopping! While all of these things are relatable, we often forget the true purpose behind this…

Judgment Phenomena

A few months ago, I noticed that I began to suffer from Zoom-Syndrome (I made up the name, but you know what I mean). Like many of you, I was spending most of my days staring at a glowing screen while missing the warmth of human proximity.  I was feeling lethargic and uninspired while constantly…

How Can We Practice Self-Care During a Pandemic?

This pandemic has been very stressful for many people for a myriad of reasons, parents included. As a mother myself, with four kids ranging from a newborn to 12-years-old, I have found myself struggling more than any other time in my life with self-care. I have been multi-tasking homeschooling three kids, caring for a baby,…

Being a Thermostat in a Thermometer World

How often have you noticed your child copying your action, words, or thoughts? Maybe you were driving and heard your child in the back seat repeating, “Come on, people! The light is green! Go, go, go!” Or when you were mowing the lawn and your child got his toy lawnmower and started doing it alongside…

My Child Won’t Tell Me How They Feel

I often encounter parents who are concerned because their child doesn’t talk about their feelings. Whether it’s in response to a separation or divorce, the death of a loved one, bullying at school, or any other number of issues, parents desire to help their children talk through their emotions. But therein lies the problem: Children…

The Key to Successfully Blending Families

Parenting, itself, is a challenge. But when parents are trying to raise children who are blended from different families, it is an even bigger one. When blending a family, a biological parent may feel disillusion that they found a new partner to share their life with and yet still feel like a single parent! A…

Kid Gifts to Inspire and Build Confidence

What if you could gift your child more than just a physical toy for Christmas this year? What if you could inspire them, build confidence, and encourage growth with the simple joy of a toy? The truth is, the kinds of toys we choose for our children can either inspire or stunt imagination, learning, confidence,…