Caring for Your Mental Health During an Election

Back to school, cooler weather, and changing leaves mean that fall is just around the corner—and so is election season. For many individuals, election season can cause significant stress and anxiety. According to the American Psychiatric Association’s annual mental health poll, 43% of U.S. adults report feeling more anxious than they did last year, with…

What to expect at your first appointment?

So you have decided to schedule your first therapy session? It’s normal to have a variety of feelings about this and the circumstances that brought you to that decision. If you haven’t been to therapy before you may feel nervous or unsure of what to expect! This post will provide some general information and outline…

Four Ways to Improve Your Love Life

It’s February and love is in the air! But let’s face it: sometimes, cupid’s arrow stings. As passions cool, love may feel distant or prickly even when it’s laying next to us in bed every night. Ah, animosity, resentment, and regret don’t make warm bedfellows. It may feel impossible right now, but what if I…

Bridging the Generational Gap at the Holidays

Over the next few months, millions of families across America will gather for the holidays.  Everyone is wondering who will host and what will be on our menu.  Respectfully, I’d like to suggest another important question: how can I bridge the gap that exists between the generations that will gather around my table this year?…

Managing People Pleasing, Self-Criticism and Comparison

Madonna – we all know her: A wildly successful musician. When I was younger, I remember reading a quote, originally from a 1991 Vanity Fair piece on her life, and it’s stuck with me ever since: “And all of my will has always been to conquer some horrible feeling of inadequacy. I’m always struggling with…

Routines Versus Rituals

Are routines and rituals both needed for a healthy family environment? As human beings we all begin and end things each and every day.  Mealtime, chores, work, school, and many more activities.  One of the most important endings of a day is mealtime and putting our kids to bed.  Both are a time to reconnect…

Summer’s Coming: It’s Time to Enjoy it!

In the book of Ecclesiastes, it is written, “I perceived that there is nothing better for them than to be joyful and to do good as long as they live; also that everyone should eat and drink and take pleasure in all his toil—this is God’s gift to man.” (Ecclesiastes 3:12-13) The Bible is telling us – Enjoy!! With…

Five Signs You May Need a Mental Health Check-Up

Let’s face it. Life comes in hard and fast at times. It leaves you scurrying from task to task and just hoping when you lay down to sleep that you’ve done enough and been enough to keep your head above water and your relationships intact. Time escapes from grasp and the feeling of being caught…