Teletherapy FAQ – What is Distance Counseling?

What is distance counseling? Distance counseling, or teletherapy, is counseling that takes place via phone or video conference because the counselor and the client are in separate locations.  Clients and counselors may not be able to meet face to face for various reasons: the client is traveling for work or is on vacation the client…

Being a Thermostat in a Thermometer World

How often have you noticed your child copying your action, words, or thoughts? Maybe you were driving and heard your child in the back seat repeating, “Come on, people! The light is green! Go, go, go!” Or when you were mowing the lawn and your child got his toy lawnmower and started doing it alongside…

Tis’ the Season to Set Boundaries

What is the first thing you think of when you hear the word “boundary”? Maybe it’s a fence, gate or a towering wall. Psychologically and relationally, boundaries are assertive statements of limits used to describe feelings and needs, expressing what is “me” and my property, and what is “not me” and not my property. They…

My Child Won’t Tell Me How They Feel

I often encounter parents who are concerned because their child doesn’t talk about their feelings. Whether it’s in response to a separation or divorce, the death of a loved one, bullying at school, or any other number of issues, parents desire to help their children talk through their emotions. But therein lies the problem: Children…

Fighting the Stigma of Therapy

One of my jobs as a therapist is to make sure that whoever walks into my office for the first time feels safe and comfortable. One way I often do this, is through humor.  Here is a common exchange I engage in if they are new to therapy:   Therapist: So… is this your first…