Caring for Your Mental Health During an Election

Back to school, cooler weather, and changing leaves mean that fall is just around the corner—and so is election season. For many individuals, election season can cause significant stress and anxiety. According to the American Psychiatric Association’s annual mental health poll, 43% of U.S. adults report feeling more anxious than they did last year, with…

Five Signs You May Need a Mental Health Check-Up

Let’s face it. Life comes in hard and fast at times. It leaves you scurrying from task to task and just hoping when you lay down to sleep that you’ve done enough and been enough to keep your head above water and your relationships intact. Time escapes from grasp and the feeling of being caught…

Teletherapy FAQ – What is Distance Counseling?

What is distance counseling? Distance counseling, or teletherapy, is counseling that takes place via phone or video conference because the counselor and the client are in separate locations.  Clients and counselors may not be able to meet face to face for various reasons: the client is traveling for work or is on vacation the client…

Trauma: What It Is and How to Cope

In the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, one criteria for PTSD is “having a near death experience.” As a therapist, I’m not the judge of what is truly diagnosable as “trauma.” I personally believe the true judge of something being traumatic is how our bodies respond to it. Our bodies communicate many messages…

The Key to Successfully Blending Families

Parenting, itself, is a challenge. But when parents are trying to raise children who are blended from different families, it is an even bigger one. When blending a family, a biological parent may feel disillusion that they found a new partner to share their life with and yet still feel like a single parent! A…

Kid Gifts to Inspire and Build Confidence

What if you could gift your child more than just a physical toy for Christmas this year? What if you could inspire them, build confidence, and encourage growth with the simple joy of a toy? The truth is, the kinds of toys we choose for our children can either inspire or stunt imagination, learning, confidence,…


With everyone’s favorite turkey-eating and cornucopia-decorating holiday just around the corner, I thought it the best time to share a thought about thankfulness versus gratitude. Although the two ideas are often synonymous, there’s an important distinction between the two. Thankfulness is traditionally defined as an expression of appreciation for things received. Being thankful often involves…