Let’s give thanks! Sounds pretty straight forward, right? As we enter a season of thankfulness and giving, we should be able to come up with something. What are you coming up with right now? As you’re sitting there, wheels turning, oftentimes it’s easier to start building an “ungrateful” list: credit card bills due tomorrow, a flat tire, five piles of laundry, the new puppy’s untrained mess all over the living room, and that seems to be just the beginning! Even with this upcoming holiday season when were supposed to be most thankful, sometimes due to life’s circumstances we’re just plain not.
How can we retrain our thoughts toward thankfulness? If all you can think of is the negative stuff, try finding something positive within it. For example, let’s take that overwhelming credit card bill. Were you still able to pay the bill on time? Thank goodness! Let’s be thankful you had the money to pay it! What about that flat tire? Yes, maybe you’re going to be late to work, or have to share a car for a few days, but at least you’re safely in the passenger seat hitching a ride to work (hopefully) on time. And you have a job!
Here’s a challenge for you: For the rest of the year, find something – anything – that you are thankful for from your day. It’s ok if it’s something small or seems insignificant to others. You will likely always find something to be thankful for. Maybe today you’re thankful for your favorite five dollar latte you enjoyed on your way to work. And maybe you’re thankful you had five extra dollars to splurge on the latte! See, that’s two things to be thankful for! You can surprise yourself with how many things you can come up with in just a day, when you feel like you’re struggling to come up with just one. Challenge yourself, your family, your kids. Try going around the dinner table listing things you’re each thankful for. If you make this a habit, you may find it easier to list two, three, even four things you are thankful for in the day. Turn that ungrateful list into an endless list of thankfulness!