Caring for Your Mental Health During an Election

Back to school, cooler weather, and changing leaves mean that fall is just around the corner—and so is election season. For many individuals, election season can cause significant stress and anxiety. According to the American Psychiatric Association’s annual mental health poll, 43% of U.S. adults report feeling more anxious than they did last year, with…

Managing People Pleasing, Self-Criticism and Comparison

Madonna – we all know her: A wildly successful musician. When I was younger, I remember reading a quote, originally from a 1991 Vanity Fair piece on her life, and it’s stuck with me ever since: “And all of my will has always been to conquer some horrible feeling of inadequacy. I’m always struggling with…

Do Therapists go to therapy?

Have you ever wondered if your therapist has found themselves sitting on a couch across from another therapist having the same hard and beautiful experience that you are as a client?  If you have, then good news, you are not alone in asking that question.  And the answer is, yes.  Most therapists probably have or…

The Lost Art of Tuning-in    

One of my fondest memories as a kid in the early 70’s was tuning-in to AM pop radio stations on family trips. This was during the days before the availability of digital car radio tuners. To listen to music without static, I had to be skilled at “tuning-in” to the desired station as we traveled.…

Incorporating Emotional Health in your Family Routine

What exactly is emotional health?  It is the ability to identify, manage and communicate one’s emotions to those around you. It can take practice and even feel scary. Emotional health is important to maintain because it is a part of your overall health and wellbeing.  How can you promote emotional health in your home? Here…

Self-Care in Many Forms

If you have found yourself in a therapist’s office in the past year, chances are that you have heard the phrase “self care.”  It is a topic that we hold near and dear to our hearts.  So much so that it has probably shown up more than any other topic in the blog you are…

The Value of Being Present

When I was around 9 or 10 old, my Dad took me and my older brother, Danny, to the Cabarrus Creamery.  Although connected to a large ice cream factory, it was a simple store front that served excellent frozen treats directly to the public. I vividly remember the details of my banana milkshake that day. …