Show Kindness to All, including Yourself

Growing up we learn all sorts of lessons from our parents, teachers, friends and loved ones. One of those lessons is about random acts of kindness and using kind words when speaking to others. We all remember being kids and learning to “be kind to one another.” We hear quotes like, “In a world where…


Trauma: What It Is and How to Cope

In the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, one criteria for PTSD is “having a near death experience.” As a therapist, I’m not the judge of what is truly diagnosable as “trauma.” I personally believe the true judge of something being traumatic is how our bodies respond to it. Our bodies communicate many messages…


My Child Won’t Tell Me How They Feel

I often encounter parents who are concerned because their child doesn’t talk about their feelings. Whether it’s in response to a separation or divorce, the death of a loved one, bullying at school, or any other number of issues, parents desire to help their children talk through their emotions. But therein lies the problem: Children…


Fighting the Stigma of Therapy

One of my jobs as a therapist is to make sure that whoever walks into my office for the first time feels safe and comfortable. One way I often do this, is through humor.  Here is a common exchange I engage in if they are new to therapy:   Therapist: So… is this your first…
